ExpiredGet it for $1.00 (96% off) Web Development In Easy Steps Bundle

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In Easy Steps computer skills books’ easy read style hides a real depth of content with comprehensive coverage of the topics and a clearly defined learning path from each chapter. The new Web Development In Easy Steps Bundle contains three value-driven tiers to choose from and 11 full-size books with 7 all-new-to-Fanatical titles. There’s something for everyone here wanting to learn some of the key skills in developing structures, frameworks, content and marketing for building a personal site or running a business on the web all at an amazing price. Tier 1 introduces three full books with the all-round Web Design In Easy Steps and a first look at CSS Programming In Easy Steps: this book focuses on the most recent CSS4 generation of the Cascading Style Sheets specification. We finish off the first tier with Java In Easy Steps showing how to use this most essential of network-centric languages for the web. Tier 2 includes a guidebook for Kids (& maybe for those of us a little newer to programming overall): Coding for Kids In Easy Steps demonstrates an easy-to-follow style that shows coding for web pages in clear staged examples. jQuery In Easy Steps teaches how to script dynamic web pages using the popular jQuery JavaScript library. An essential tool for creating awesome user-friendly web pages. Tier 3 is of course where we find all 14 eBooks: HTML, CSS & Javascript In Easy Steps contains examples and screenshots that illustrate each feature of all three coding languages, widely used for web development and design while HTML5 in Easy Steps delves deeper into the latest version of thai markup language describing how to incorporate meta information about a document and how to add structured 'body' content. Many stunning global websites are made using WordPress: WordPress In Easy Steps shows you how to create awesome websites without actually having to learn any coding, Having an intuitive online presence has become vital for all businesses; large, small and the self-employed, if you don't take steps and manage your online presence, your customers and clients will not see your message; Online Marketing for Small Businesses in easy steps guide you through the essential steps to making your online strategy & your digital presence across all forms, including the new driver: social media networks, work for you. Make your computer skills learning easy and at your own pace, with the long-established and respected “In Easy Steps' series of books. All these and more Web development books are available here and supplied in ePub format for a limited time only.

Get it for $1.00 (96% off) Web Development In Easy Steps Bundle
Get it for $1.00 (96% off) Web Development In Easy Steps Bundle
$1.00 $14.99
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