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Get it for $7.99 (98% off) Easy Game Engine eLearning Bundle
If you’re a wannabe games developer, a bedroom games hobbyist, or perhaps you’re looking to develop the skills required for building a career in the lucrative world of game development, learning how to use the popular game engines with our all new-to-Fanatical Easy Game Engine eLearning Bundle is the way to get started. We kick off 100% up to date with Blender to Unreal Engine 5; a complete guide to learning how to use and develop for the absolutely brand new release of Unreal 5  The current widely used version is covered too with the Unreal Engine 4 course and mobile gaming development, 2D & 3D drawing, texturing & rendering are all covered with the Modern OpenGL 3D Game course. We complete this incredibly low price high value eLearning bundle with two full-size courses covering Maya & Unity 3D: Modeling Lowpoly Tree for Mobile Games and Game Development using Cocos2d-x v3 C++ Buying through Fanatical means that you'll get unlimited ongoing course access and all are delivered by individual keys. For more details, please see here  
Get it for $1.00 (100% off) Easy No-Code Game Design Bundle
Easy No-Code Game Design The GDevelop engine is the simplest way into game design & building. Using an “event” system which clearly explains the logic of the game’s build, everyone & anyone really can put together exciting, innovative & even commercially viable games for Android, iOS, Steam and more without ever having to learn a programming language. Our newest bundle offer, together with the game dev gurus over at GDevelop, features a link to the free download of the latest version of the game engine itself, together with a full paid subscription for 6 months membership of the site and 10 more all new-to-Fanatical asset packs with key game development content such as Icons, Items, GUI Packs, Pixel Art Toolkits, Characters and so much more.  Containing new platforms, new settings, new enemies and traps and a series of static or animated props Tier 1 introduces the Pixel Dark Fantasy pack and a first look at the array of products here covering the dystopian game world with 5 all new enemies in the Cyberpunk Neon World Enemies pack. Tier 2 introduces the Cyberpunk Neon World GUI and Icons, a packed asset pack that provides a comprehensive collection of icons, toolbars, and buttons to create an immersive and engaging cyberpunk neon world user interface and if you’re all in with a dark Sci-Fi environment game you’ll need the character heroes and more found in Cyberpunk Neon World Heroes and NPC, together with two Sci-Fi game packs completing this level: the SciFi Space Village and the Sci-Fi Space Village Animals And Enemies . Onto Tier 3 which includes the Silver 6 month membership giving access to 50 Cloud Projects,  250MB of resources per project and multiple cloud builds as well as a host of other premium features to complement the GDevelop game engine download. It’s also where the best value is in this great new bundle with all the products included: Cyberpunk World contains vehicles, turrets, and all you need for a cyberpunk city Continuing the Sci-Fi style, there is a host of additional content with two more Pixel Dark Fantasy packs and the final SciFi Space Village Characters and Icons. Keep an eye out for new additions to this bundle in future as there's so much more to come with GDevelop & Fanatical. The perfect way to get into games design & development or to hone your interests & skills without having to study a programming language. When we say this is the Easy No-Code Game DesignBundle-we really mean it! All assets come with a full commercial usage licence allowing you to complete your projects & market them at will. (For full details please see here)
Get it for $49.98 (90% off) Rebel Galaxy & Rebel Galaxy Outlaw Double Pack
Rebel Galaxy is a swashbuckling space adventure, with action-packed combat, exploration, discovery, trade, and “negotiation” with the outlandish denizens at the edge of the known universe.As the commander of an immensely powerful star destroyer, you’ll battle pirates, explore anomalies, befriend aliens, scavenge battle wreckage, mine asteroids, and discover artefacts. Choose your path as a roguish do-gooder, crafty space trader or power-hungry privateer – or maybe a little of each! Buy larger and more powerful craft with your hard-earned credits, and outfit them with a variety of wicked weapons and defences. Set in a galaxy of fantastic sights, and secrets to be found, Rebel Galaxy is above all a space epic of adventure, exploration, and combat.The edge of the universe is a pretty dangerous place, so watch your back.rières. Rebel Galaxy Outlaw Out of cash, out of luck, out on the fringe. Juno Markev has a killer to tail, a debt to pay, and more trouble headed her way. Rebel Galaxy Outlaw takes place in a greasy, blue-collar world of outlaws, truckers, cops and thieves. Strap into a variety of spacecraft, settle a score in a filthy space bar over a game of 8-ball, rock out to over 24 hours of music, and engage in white-knuckle dogfights. In the Dodge Sector it’s hard to get by – and even harder to get even. Rebel Galaxy Outlaw is an open-world space combat adventure game, spread across the nearly 40 systems of the Dodge Sector. Play as a mercenary, a trader, a pirate, or whatever mix of the three you feel fits you best. With an engaging storyline and a full conversation system, you can follow the narrative, or ignore it and forge your own path at any time. Engage in white-knuckle combat, and use the included Autopursuit function to effortlessly fly like an ace, instead of space-jousting for hours. Save up your credits, buy a new ship, kit it out, and then paint it in a fully-fledged 3D painting application. Make a fortune exploiting lucrative trade routes. Join guilds, help or hunt those in distress, and buy and outfit your own space station. Grab a tip in a local bar and hunt for hidden treasure. In your downtime, shoot some 8-ball, play some dice-poker, or aim for a high score in an arcade game in the local seedy watering hole. Flip through the 7 included radio stations and vast music library for just the right track to fit your current mood.
Get it for $8.99 (0% off) Your Own Online Business eLearning Bundle
Ever looked at those online home business entrepreneurs & wondered how they do it? Can you really make a passive side-hustle income working only your own hours from home? It’s definitely possible-from the guy printing cool T-shirts to the home author self-publishing their novels to the games developer & the Etsy traders; to explore the methods, the opportunities & the channels open to you as an online entrepreneur & learn from those that have done it before. This all-new-to-Fanatical bundle contains 14 full-size online courses designed to really help with the start-up home or small office business idea.  Amazon remains a key avenue for your sales. We have two courses to help negotiate this vital retail site: Self Publishing On Amazon With Kindle Direct Publishing & then the Self-Publish Coloring Books On Amazon For Passive Income will both get you started. Niche products are very much what drives the home entrepreneur. Follow your passion & you’ll never “work” a day in your life” goes the saying, so Make Passive Income With A Niche Affiliate T-Shirt Store and Dropshipping Mugs On Etsy With Printful For Passive Income both pick up in that specific niche business. Some of the more technical necessary areas are covered with A Complete Beginners Guide To Drop Servicing On Fiverr For Passive Income and the Create A Work From Home Business Website With Bookable Time Slots Using Wix The Game Designer bundle; How To Make Games with Gamemaker Studio 2 using GML is a great introduction to turning your gaming hobby into a saleable product and then the How To Make An Amazon Affiliate Marketing Store With Wix For Passive Income will show you how to market it. There’s so much more in this all-new bundle including more detailed looks at digital content & other technical aspects such as Create A Digital Download And Serial Key Store With Wix Take the plunge & turn your business idea into a plan and a real online business with Your Own Online Business eLearning Bundle.  All courses are for lifetime access & delivered by video instruction with a certificate of completion.
Get it for $1.49 (99% off) Mastering ROS for Robotics Programming – Third Edition
Design, build, and simulate complex robots using the Robot Operating System Key Features Become proficient in ROS programming using C++ with this comprehensive guide Build complex robot applications using the ROS Noetic Ninjemys release to interface robot manipulators with mobile robots Learn to interact with aerial robots using ROS Book Description The Robot Operating System (ROS) is a software framework used for programming complex robots. ROS enables you to develop software for building complex robots without writing code from scratch, saving valuable development time. Mastering ROS for Robotics Programming provides complete coverage of the advanced concepts using easy-to-understand, practical examples and step-by-step explanations of essential concepts that you can apply to your ROS robotics projects. The book begins by helping you get to grips with the basic concepts necessary for programming robots with ROS. You'll then discover how to develop a robot simulation, as well as an actual robot, and understand how to apply high-level capabilities such as navigation and manipulation from scratch. As you advance, you'll learn how to create ROS controllers and plugins and explore ROS's industrial applications and how it interacts with aerial robots. Finally, you'll discover best practices and methods for working with ROS efficiently. By the end of this ROS book, you'll have learned how to create various applications in ROS and build your first ROS robot. What you will learn Create a robot model with a 7-DOF robotic arm and a differential wheeled mobile robot Work with Gazebo, CoppeliaSim, and Webots robotic simulators Implement autonomous navigation in differential drive robots using SLAM and AMCL packages Interact with and simulate aerial robots using ROS Explore ROS pluginlib, ROS nodelets, and Gazebo plugins Interface I O boards such as Arduino, robot sensors, and high-end actuators Simulate and perform motion planning for an ABB robot and a universal arm using ROS-Industrial Work with the motion planning features of a 7-DOF arm using MoveIt Who this book is for If you are a robotics graduate, robotics researcher, or robotics software professional looking to work with ROS, this book is for you. Programmers who want to explore the advanced features of ROS will also find this book useful. Basic knowledge of ROS, GNU Linux, and C++ programming concepts is necessary to get started with this book.
Get it for $1.00 (97% off) C++ 4th Edition Bundle
C++ remains one of the most widely used OOP languages, and one of  the best and most versatile languages for creating large-scale real-life applications. Now updated with 6 all-new-to-Fanatical eBooks in our new 13-title C++ Bundle 4th Edition. Tier 1 offers four books including the best software Architecture with C++; this practical guide will help you put your knowledge to work and design distributed, large-scale apps. Modern CMake for C++ is an end-to-end guide to the automatization of complex tasks, including building, testing, and packaging while the Modern C++ Programming Cookbook takes a novel approach; organised in the form of practical recipes & covers a wide range of problems faced by modern developers. Onto Tier 2 and four more books, two of which specifically look at animating for game development Hands-On C++ Game Animation Programming and the C++ Game Animation Programming Why not go all in? The best value is found in Tier 3 with all 13 books included here.  Hands-On Design Patterns with C++ is a comprehensive guide with extensive coverage of concepts such as OOP, functional programming, generic programming, concurrency, and STL.  Master essential skills to build robust Linux systems with C++ Programming for Linux Systems and understand how to develop software using TDD with Test-Driven Development with C++ All these & more high-spec, comprehensive books are included in our latest version of the C++ Bundle 4th Edition. A truly hands-on approach to get the most out of this dynamic subject. All eBooks included in this bundle are available in EPUB and PDF formats.
Get it for $9.99 (99% off) Java Programming Bundle
Java is a powerful multi-purpose programming language widely used to develop Mobile and Desktop applications as well as being a key player in Big Data processing, embedded systems, browser development, and scripting.  Like a good strong coffee on the High street, it’s virtually everywhere you look nowadays and is believed to be currently running on over 3bn devices worldwide, making Java one of the world's most popular and prolific programming languages.  We’ve gathered together a selection of 11 eBooks including 9 new to bundle must-have titles. Learn Java 12 Programming is the perfect beginning but is also a comprehensive guide to getting started with Java and gaining insights into major concepts such as object-oriented programming, data structures & algorithms, onto even more advanced topics such as Java Libraries & GUIs. Android is one of the most popular mobile operating systems today & it uses Java, as one of the primary languages for building apps of all types; Learning Java by Building Android Games will show you how. Further insight & guidance is found in Android Studio 4.0 Development Essentials-Java Edition. Job prospects, as you might expect are hot if you have Java training, it’s one of the most sought-after programming languages in the job market, but cracking the coding interview in this challenging economy might not be easy. The Complete Coding Interview Guide in Java will help you to tackle various challenges faced in a coding job interview and avoid common interview mistakes, and will ultimately guide you toward landing your dream job as a Java developer. There’s much more in this dynamic and diverse bundle including additional books covering RxJava, JHipster & Jakarta and all eBooks included are available in EPUB and PDF formats.  
Get it for $1.00 (97% off) Networking Bundle 2nd Edition
Networking skills remain at the heart of modern technology & computing industries & having a sound understanding of the fundamental parts of IT networking and the common applications that you need is the best way to develop your career or your interest in this field. With this great updated selection of up to 14 Books in three tiers, 10 of which are all new-to-Fanatical titles, you’ll get to grips with different network protocols, models, and techniques as well as apply networking concepts in different real-world scenarios. This bundle is ideal for those who are new to the IT industry or simply want to gain a thorough understanding of networking. Choose Tier One and you’ll receive four eBooks including the bestselling Network Automation Cookbook with proven and actionable recipes to automate and manage network devices and learn how to implement essential techniques on the market-leading cybersecurity platform, right from deploying firewalls to advanced with Mastering Palo Alto Networks; both of these books offer step-by-step explanations with tips & techniques to make understanding that little easier. Opt for Tier Two and you’ll get an additional four eBooks. With a look at Linux for Networking Professionals, a detailed yet easy-to-read guide to securely configuring and operating Linux network services for the enterprise. Hands-On Network Programming with C is a comprehensive guide to programming with network sockets, implementing internet protocols, designing IoT devices, and much more. There’s huge value in Tier Three with all 14 books included here. Network Automation with Go is an introductory look at Go and with hands-on examples within it to help you become proficient with Go for network automation. Learn Wireshark will explain how this popular and powerful packet analysis tool helps network administrators investigate latency issues and potential attacks. Gain practical skills to design, deploy, and manage networks within Google with the Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Network Engineer Guide and get to grips with the essential concepts and features of the ns-3 simulator using practical examples and assessments Advanced Network Simulations Simplified All of these and more are included here & are available in ePUB and PDF formats.
Get it for $4.99 (99% off) Cloud & Network Certification eLearning Bundle
Get certified with our new collection of full access courses from Janets. An online eLearning platform where students learn through a targeted approach of study and engagement. You are taught through a combination of Video lessons, Online study materials, Mock exams &  Multiple-choice assessments This 12-titled eLearning bundle features 6 courses covering the globally-recognized CompTIA certification and 6 additional courses containing related subjects such as Network Security, Linux Hacking & Testing, and developing for the Cloud. Delivered using keys (for more details, please see here) this bundle is the perfect entry into a career in Cloud & Network Security & Development or a vital learning tool if you’re looking to increase your skill sets. Tier 1 contains a full course covering the essentials of Cyber Security and Virus Protection as well as a detailed study into the specific courses of Cloud Computing CompTIA Cloud+ (CVO-002) and CompTIA A+ (220-1001) A step up to Tier 2 brings in 3 more courses with the bestselling CompTIA Security+ Certification which contains 10 separate modules and over 17 hours of combined training time. Choosing Tier 3 will give you access to all 12 courses including three more CompTIA titles, and another current bestseller in CompTIA Network+ Certification. With over 23 hours of combined training time, this course covers Network Theory, LANs & WANs, implementation, TCP IP Routing & Data delivery and so much more. BlackArch Linux For Hacking And Penetration Testing contains 18 separate modules on all aspects of this vital open-source cyber-security set up & completing this high-value bundle is the AWS Cloud Practitioner course. This feature-packed course introduces the principles of Cloud computing, the benefits, concepts, and uses of AWS, it's security and compliance issues, and how to get the most personally and professionally from all that the leading Cloud platform has to offer. All courses once completed can be enhanced by an instant download of a free e-certificate. Students can also purchase a certified hard copy course certificate, which will be delivered by post for an additional charge.
Get it for $1.00 (99% off) Blender Computer Animation Bundle 4th Edition
Now expanded and updated again with 9 all-new-to-Fanatical books, our new Blender Computer Animation Bundle 4th Edition will help teach you the art of 3D creation software and show you how to construct the animation projects of your dreams. With this collection, you’ll get to grips with this popular open-source software and modelling program, obtaining handy skills to design high-quality 3D printed objects, animation films, 3D video games, and much more - with no programming, coding or scripting experience required. Tier 1 starts us off with an impressive four full books, including two titles specifically looking at Game development construction and techniques: Game Development with Blender and Godot and Mind-Melding Unity and Blender for 3D Game Development and learn about modelling, rigging, animation, rendering, and much more by working with some interesting projects with Blender 3D By Example. There are a further 4 books included in Tier 2: Learn all about hard-surface modelling in Blender while creating increasingly complex projects with Blender 3D Incredible Models. Taking Blender to the Next Level showcases next-level development skills with key images printed in colour to learning motion graphics, character modelling and rigging, creating dynamic hair, clothing and more. As always, the huge value is found in Tier 3 with all 14 books available. The all-new 3D Environment Design with Blender takes you through the process of developing large-scale photo-realistic renders in Blender - from texturing, UV unwrapping & modelling objects to surfaces, lighting & dynamic environment changes. Further real-world photo realism is explained in Photorealistic Materials and Textures in Blender Cycles Discover a practical and efficient workflow designed to accelerate your asset creation process for use in multiple projects, including games and the metaverse with the new  Blender 3D Asset Creation for the Metaverse book. Packed with tips and techniques for 3D asset builds, texturing, rendering and more. With additional books on Python Scripting in Blender, Procedural 3D Modeling and more, this is a must-have bundle for the serious computer animator or for those looking to get started. The eBooks included in this bundle are available in EPUB and PDF formats.
Get it for $9.99 (97% off) Mobile App Development Bundle 3rd Edition
Mobile App Development Bundle 3rd Edition It’s a mobile world out there and understanding how to develop the right apps with the right functionality for your clients and customers can make all the difference. Our latest Mobile App Development Bundle 3rd Edition contains 11 all new-to-Fanatical eBooks covering development for effective mobile applications for iOS and Android devices, as well as mastering additional features and tools that will make your projects stand out among your competitors. Simplify and significantly accelerate UI development on Android with Android UI Development with Jetpack Compose and learn how to build and design high-quality, robust Android apps with  Kickstart Modern Android Development with Jetpack and Kotlin. With more than 2 million apps on the App Store, iOS 16 Programming for Beginners will show you how to get started on developing for the Apple devices & with one of the most important pre-release issues of any App being security and threat removal, find software bugs earlier on in software development with Test-Driven iOS Development with Swift Professional React Native will teach all aspects of building high-quality, easy-to-maintain frontend applications across multiple platforms and if Kotlin is your choice for App development;  Simplifying Application Development with Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile will show you how it works, and how it is different from other cross-platform technologies. All these and more are included in this all new fixed bundle and all eBooks in this bundle are available in EPUB and PDF formats.
Get it for $9.99 (97% off) Unreal Programming eLearning Bundle
Unreal is the go-to game development engine for ultra-realistic AAA game titles and for when your project really needs intense photorealistic quality & gameplay.  Unreal can be picked up straight from the keen amateur game designer but it needs to be understood to get the most out of its complex capabilities. Featuring eight courses with seven all-new-to-Fanatical titles, the Unreal Programming eLearning Bundle will take you from the introductory basics to developing specific genre games. Unreal Engine Mini-Projects teaches how to build three mini-projects while exploring fundamental game mechanics and scripting for the Unreal Engine. Create a Walking Simulator in Unreal Engine, which takes you to step by step through one of the essential game drivers; how to build a walk-through environment. Learn to implement plane movement while creating a ring-based, obstacle course mini-game with Make a Plane Arcade Game in Unreal Engine & master the fundamentals for RTS games with Build an RTS Game with Unreal Engine.  When you’re ready to step it up, Develop a First-Person Shooter in Unreal Engine will help you expand your knowledge of the Unreal Engine by building a first-person shooter with moving enemies and more. There’s no going back once you’ve developed a good understanding of Unreal, perhaps the clue is in the name? Find all these and more in our brand new Unreal Programming eLearning Bundle
Get it for $9.99 (98% off) Online Tutor-Python Programming Bundle
Online Tutor-Python Programming Bundle Python remains the most widely used programming language worldwide with its easy to learn syntax and versatility, it is found everywhere, from simple coding projects to robotics, big business & game development programming, you can use Python & its libraries in almost any field of software development nowadays.  The Online Tutor: Python Programming Bundle is aimed specifically at demystifying the subject without bombarding you with far too much information.  You are taught through a combination of Video lessons, Online study materials, Mock exams &  Multiple-choice assessments and starting with essential Python skills at beginner level, through to specific coding projects & onto a wider look at the Data Science uses & Machine Learning, this 8 course bundle delivered at your own pace is the perfect way to build your knowledge or to start forging a career in this high demand IT area. Python From Scratch is the obvious introduction to the subject covering all the basics but it doesn’t stop there & with 62 units to study this packed course will set you on the right path. Python 3 for beginners & Coding with Python 3 will help build on those early steps. One of Python's most on-trend uses is in Machine Learning & AI. Two course covering Data Science & Machine Learning With Python and then the Spatial Data Visualization And Machine Learning In Python will teach & expand upon those disciplines and amongst others, we end the bundle with the comprehensive Diploma In Python Programming Delivered using keys (for more details, please see here). All courses once completed can be enhanced by an instant download of a free e-certificate. Students can also purchase a certified hard copy course certificate, which will be delivered by post or via a PDF download.
Get it for $1.00 (100% off) Creative Animation & Design Bundle
Creative Animation & Design Bundle Animation is both a fascinating hobby and a key career skill set in today's world of computer assisted graphic design, image and video editing and game design, so we’ve put together this all new-to-Fanatical eBook bundle containing 18 of the best new and favourite Creative Animation & Design titles. Tier 1 features four books including the 3D Environment Design with Blender, an easy to read instructional look at this powerful tool for creating all kinds of visual assets.  Understand how to create and use motion design with Adobe Animate 2022 for Creative Professionals. Stepping up to Tier 2 adds a further six books with a brand new and a deeper look at Mastering Adobe Animate 2023 and Real-Time Animation with Adobe Character Animator. For the ultra realistic elements of game design; Reimagining Characters with Unreal Engine's MetaHuman Creator will show you how to use the online, user-friendly 3D design tool for creating highly realistic digital humans. Krita is a free, open-source digital painting program with industry-leading functionality and Draw and Paint Better with Krita will help you navigate its simple but powerful functionality. Tier 3 contains all 18 eBooks with several more covering the Adobe suite of products including the all new Mastering Adobe Photoshop Elements 2023 and the highly detailed (486 pages); Realistic Asset Creation with Adobe Substance 3D Inkscape by Example is an easy to read book showcasing the versatile free vector graphics editor program which has all the capabilities of paid software and is ready for professional use. All these books and much more are included in this new bundle All eBooks included are available in EPUB and PDF formats.
Get it for  (99% off) S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Complete Bundle
Get the complete legendary S.T.A.L.K.E.R. trilogy and blast your way through cult survival horror FPS Steam games in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Complete Bundle! S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: SHADOW OF CHERNOBYLExperience an immersive storyline seamlessly blended with a living, breathing, non-linear open-world environment governed by the revolutionary 'A-Life' system, in the original S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Steam game. This unique FPS combines action, stealth, survival and RPG elements to create an incomparable experience in the 'Zone'. Featuring intense multiplayer action for up to 32 players, Shadow of Chernobyl puts players in the middle of a post-nuclear disaster with mutant enemies such as Bloodsuckers, Snorks and Pseudogiants - as well as the need to gather vital resources in order to survive. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: CLEAR SKYA prequel to Shadow of Chernobyl, Clear Sky takes gamers on a journey through the events leading up to its predecessor - with an advanced X-Ray 1.5 Engine and deepened weapon customization system among new features. Follow a mercenary who appeared at the edge of the opposition between stalker factions, Strelok and even the Zone itself. Witness events that led to the creation of the Zone, right up to the point from which the original S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game begins. Combining FPS and survival horror gameplay, you'll experience the thrilling post-nuclear vibes once again - or perhaps for the first time! S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: CALL OF PRIPYATVenture across the largest playable area to date in the franchise with Call of Pripyat, the third installment in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series. Continue the story from Shadow of Chernobyl and witness factions wars and hordes of mutated enemies - then take in your glorious photo-realistic surroundings and clear up any loose missions or areas to explore in free play mode. With bandits, new mutant monsters, secret artifacts and hours of gameplay, gamers can immerse themselves in a formidable post-nuclear world once more.
Get it for $1.00 (100% off) Mix Master Music and Vocals Bundle
2 weeks ago 20 days left

Get it for $1.00 (100% off) Mix Master Music and Vocals Bundle

$1.00 $53.70
With more than 40 all-new-to-Fanatical music asset packs included in our all-new Mix Master Music and Vocals Bundle from our sound wizard friends over at Function Loops, there is something here to suit all the style demands for every creative need. So if you’re looking for original, bang-up-to-date vocals, buzzing tunes, cool vibes or thumpin’ beats and hooks to complete or to inspire your multimedia project, look no further. Tier 1 offers up 3 exciting products starting with the ever-popular Trap sounds found in Trap Sauce and Future Trap and tempered with the chill sounds found in Lo-Fi Hip Hop & Future Soul Moving up to Tier 2 adds an additional 17 packs: With a heavy twist to the pop sector, we have Major Latin Trap & Pop & a nod to the future with the Future Soul pack, Future Pop & RnB, Major Future Pop & more. The acclaimed Guitarist & Bass player based out of LA features on the Collin Watt Future Blues Hop and in addition to the packed guitars, you will find a comprehensive collection of original vocal acapella, drums, synth loops and one-shot samples here. Looking for more original Basslines?; Rolling Tech Basslines has you covered. Tier 2 also includes Lo-fi Hip Hop & Live Sounds, more Trap  & Hip Hop Waves as well as cutting edge vocal packs such as Vocals With Lokka1 and 2 and House Vocals with Sandrah All 41 products of this huge and exciting new bundle can be found in Tier 3 with several additional vocal packs including Too Sexy Vocals by Tonka Hypnotic Female Vocals, awesome new sounds in Deep House Vocal Session Vocal and the down and dirty recordings in Filthy Vocals. There are plenty of funky House vibes found in Boiling Tech House and Tech House Movies & more Hip Hop than you can groove a leg to with Night Stream: Lo-Fi Hip Hop, Samurai Hip Hop, 90's Infused Hip Hop and the all-new Cloud Trap & Emo Hip Hop. With much, much more original content covering EDM, Lazer Pop, Psytrance, and several other Acapella packs, there is so much new content here designed to really get you thinking about how best to create and enhance your project. All tracks are 100% royalty-free and can be used in commercial or personal projects. The new Mix Master Music and Vocals Bundle is available for a limited time only so grab it while you can.
Get it for $1.00 (98% off) Awesome Manga Stories Bundle
2 weeks ago 14 days left

Get it for $1.00 (98% off) Awesome Manga Stories Bundle

$1.00 $30.85
Please note that some content in this bundle is designed for mature audiences & may contain violence, adult themes, explicit language and sexual content.  Attention all Manga enthusiasts! Fanatical is back with a captivating new selection of truly Awesome Manga! Fanatical is proud to partner with Medibang to bring you a whopping 116 Manga comics from 39 unique series, nearly all of which are brand new to Fanatical. Within this amazing manga collection, you’ll find action, adventure, fantasy, Sci-Fi, horror and a first for Fanatical; heartfelt drama and romance.  There’s something for everyone and a great way to discover your new favourite series or genre of manga storytelling.  Discover Killing Bites, in which a young man, “Yuya Nomoto,” is taken to a junkyard by a mysterious girl, “Hitomi.” There, he sees her transform into a beast and fight a Leo monster. Brutes have the brains of humans and the fangs of a beast.  Get your teeth into this amazing series before watching the anime adaptation. Let The Yokai Caretaker put a spell on you. Get sucked into the charming and funny story of Toritsuki Hiyori and her interactions and escapades with Yokai Youkai (Japanese spirits, ghosts and demons) that live in their park. Let Papa and Daddy's Home Cooking leave you feeling full. This wonderful, Heartfelt drama features Sengoku, a chiropractor, who was left with a child by his willful ex, and Harumi, a manga editor, who gained custody of his child after a rough divorce. Each struggling to raise their own child, they decide to share an apartment. Follow their twists and turns in their new family life, as they fumble to find a recipe for new happiness. Strap in and get caught up in a thrilling police action adventure, Mad Bull 34. Meet Daizaburo Eddy Ban a new policeman who's been sent to District 34, an area of Manhattan rampant with crime. His partner is “Mad Bull,” a huge policeman named Sleepy. Watch as these policemen use unconventional methods to stop the bad guys in this no-holds-barred story. Adapted from the original 1990 video animation. For mature audiences. With so many new and existing series packed into this Awesome bundle. Whether you’re dipping your toe in our introductory 1st Tier or getting the best value and jumping at the vast selection in our top tier, you’ll be able to jump straight in and discover something new and awesome! The digital comics available in this collection are available in PDF. 
Get it for $10.99 (97% off) Kali Linux Bundle 2nd Edition
2 weeks ago 9 days left

Get it for $10.99 (97% off) Kali Linux Bundle 2nd Edition

$10.99 $149.96
Master computer forensics and advanced penetration testing and security with our new Kali Linux Bundle 2nd EditionThis exciting fixed eBook collection contains 11 titles with 7 all new-to-bundle eBooks included and will help you get to grips with the Debian-based Linux distribution aimed at advanced Penetration Testing and Security Auditing, computer forensics and reverse engineering.and so much more.Learn how to build a cybersecurity program for a changing world with the help of proven best practices with The Cybersecurity Playbook for Modern Enterprises & get to grips with security operations through incident response, the ATT&CK framework, active defense, and agile security with Agile Security OperationsIf you’re studying for the CISSP (ISC) Certification exams, you’ll be at an advantage with the CISSP (ISC)² Certification Practice Exams and TestsDetect potentials bugs in your code or program and develop your own tools using the Ghidra Software Reverse Engineering for Beginners book & start on the path to ethical hacking, a big career opportunity with large corporations in the 21st Century; Learn Ethical Hacking from Scratch will start to show you how & if you're seriously looking at a career path within Kali Linux, improve your options significantly with Infosec Strategies and Best Practices; a detailed look at information security professional operations , turning theory into robust solutions. All this and more is included in this new fantastic value bundleAll eBooks included in this bundle are available in EPUB and PDF formats.
Get it for $1.00 (93% off) Working With Linux Bundle 2nd Edition
2 weeks ago 9 days left

Get it for $1.00 (93% off) Working With Linux Bundle 2nd Edition

$1.00 $112.97
Linux is the world’s most widely used open-source operating system and our new Working with Linux Bundle 2nd Edition, including 8 all-new-to-bundle eBooks & 14 books in total across three tiers, is the perfect collection for those seeking professional, easy-to-use guides on how to expand their knowledge of Linux and core elements of the operating system such as kernel subsystems, Shell Scripting, Security elements and much more. Choose Tier One and you’ll receive three eBooks including a fascinating look at Migrating Linux to Microsoft Azure Tier two adds another five books; Prevent your system from getting compromised with Mastering Linux Security and Hardening & develop a deep understanding of the vital networking sector in business with Linux for Networking Professionals Opting for Tier three gives you all the previous tier content plus the final six books in the bundle. With Mastering Linux Shell Scripting - Second Edition, you’ll understand how to create interactive scripts that prompt for user input, and foster menu structures for operators with little command-line experience. Hands-On System Programming with Linux will help you get to grips with core concepts such as process management, signalling and pthreads, and explore the theoretical underpinnings of Linux system architecture. Gain an understanding of system administration that will remain applicable throughout your career with Linux Administration-Best Practices and find solutions to all your problems related to Linux system programming For all these and more and all your Linux development & programming-related needs, enhancing your knowledge of this widely used operating system, look no further than Working with Linux Bundle 2nd Edition.
Get it for $9.99 (99% off) VideoProc Software Bundle 2
2 weeks ago 8 days left

Get it for $9.99 (99% off) VideoProc Software Bundle 2

$9.99 $85.90
We’re back again with an exciting update from the Video and Media software experts at Digiarty with our new VideoProc Software Bundle 2. This popular bundle now features the latest AI enhanced image and video editing software to the lead product as well as the two existing product lines. VideoProc Converter AI (Lifetime use) offers next-level professional quality Video Editing with a host of features such as one-stop solutions to convert videos audios DVDs, fix, compress, edit, download, and record. It also records Windows or Mac screens directly from webcams, supports picture-in-picture or green screen mode, makes gameplay, instructions and other creative videos by recording and keying with built-in utility tools to mark, crop, or highlight important areas during recording and more. A super intelligent tool for video and image upscaling and enhancement. Specifically trained to use its AI to increase the resolution and enhance the detail throughout. Capable of upscaling both videos and images to as high as 8K and more. Many of us have iPhones nowadays and managing that backup or just keeping hold of what you want to see again, such as precious photos, videos, music and messages can be a real problem, particularly without having to pay for extra storage space as all our devices fill up. Take full control of what to Backup & Restore with the DearMob iPhone Manager and never worry about running out of your digital space again.  Also included is the bonus free-to-use VideoProc Vlogger, an intuitive and very capable video editing software for all creators allowing easy hands-on creation of cinematic videos for everyday creativity, special moments, or just for fun! All these products when bought through Fanatical come with the Lifetime Use licence and actually include all future upgrades! (Click here to view) NB: all products are suitable for Windows.
Get it for $19.99 (88% off) Killer Bundle 30
2 weeks ago 4 days left

Get it for $19.99 (88% off) Killer Bundle 30

$19.99 $503.66
Welcome to Killer Bundle 30, a milestone celebration for the Fanatical’s flagship bundle franchise!  Unleash your gaming beast and discover almost $450 of games! Featuring a range of popular genres and a multitude of top titles, this monumental Killer Bundle brings you a massive collection of OVER 30 Steam PC games.  Yes. We. Said. Thirty. Games. Plus the utterly outstanding Rain World: Downpour DLC. Treat yourself to Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen, the game where it all began. Get the Special Edition of Devil May Cry 4, the ultimate version of the smash-hit stylish King-of-the-action-game! Jump on a train to Hell in the awesome Monster Train deck building card battler. Build your own Viking settlement in medieval strategy Frozenheim. Celebrate 30 years of River City Girls Zero with the latest authentically augmented edition of the stellar arcade beat’em-up.  And so many more games to slake your gaming thirst. Action, RPG, strategy, retro, arcade, adventure, sim… this is the bundle to crown all Killer Bundles. This bundle includes 13 games rated verified or playable, compatible with the awesome Steam Deck portable handheld PC gaming system. Don't miss out – it might sell out! Grab Killer Bundle 30 today.   * All games are supplied as official Steam keys. Available while stocks last. ** SSI Classics delivered as a single Steam key *** Number of Games rated Steam Deck Verified correct at the time of bundle launch. Fanatical can’t take any responsibility for Steam Deck verification ratings which may vary over time, for example when a game is updated by the developer.    
Get it for $7.00 ( off) JavaScript Bundle 4th Edition
JavaScript programming remains one of the key technologies of the World Wide Web and the ability to develop, build and maintain effective interactive web pages and web applications is a key skill set in today's job market In our latest concise JavaScript Bundle 4th Edition, we’re offering 6 full Javascript books with 5 being all new to Fanatical. This fixed low-priced collection contains a selection of new books from beginner guides through to advanced practice and more with JavaScript from Beginner to Professional leading the way. Learn the fundamental stages of working with JavaScript and how to best implement it into your day-to-day work and projects with Clean Code in JavaScript and how to program for both customer-facing uses and the needs  of your back office with JavaScript from Frontend to Backend Discover how to take advantage of common cryptographic operations to build safer apps with Essential Cryptography for JavaScript Developers. Building Your Own JavaScript Framework will show you how to craft elegant and well-structured software frameworks in a variety of JavaScript environments and the  Mastering JavaScript Functional Programming specifically explores techniques to simplify coding, apply recursion, perform high-level coding and more Start working smarter, not harder with better web development skills and knowledge of JavaScript  The eBooks included in this bundle are available in EPUB and PDF formats.
Get it for $8.99 (99.1% off) Your Own Online Business eLearning Bundle
Ever looked at those online home business entrepreneurs & wondered how they do it? Can you really make a passive side-hustle income working only your own hours from home? It’s definitely possible-from the guy printing cool T-shirts to the home author self-publishing their novels to the games developer & the Etsy traders; to explore the methods, the opportunities & the channels open to you as an online entrepreneur & learn from those that have done it before. This all-new-to-Fanatical bundle contains 14 full-size online courses designed to really help with the start-up home or small office business idea.  Amazon remains a key avenue for your sales. We have two courses to help negotiate this vital retail site: Self Publishing On Amazon With Kindle Direct Publishing & then the Self-Publish Coloring Books On Amazon For Passive Income will both get you started. Niche products are very much what drives the home entrepreneur. Follow your passion & you’ll never “work” a day in your life” goes the saying, so Make Passive Income With A Niche Affiliate T-Shirt Store and Dropshipping Mugs On Etsy With Printful For Passive Income both pick up in that specific niche business. Some of the more technical necessary areas are covered with A Complete Beginners Guide To Drop Servicing On Fiverr For Passive Income and the Create A Work From Home Business Website With Bookable Time Slots Using Wix The Game Designer bundle; How To Make Games with Gamemaker Studio 2 using GML is a great introduction to turning your gaming hobby into a saleable product and then the How To Make An Amazon Affiliate Marketing Store With Wix For Passive Income will show you how to market it. There’s so much more in this all-new bundle including more detailed looks at digital content & other technical aspects such as Create A Digital Download And Serial Key Store With Wix Take the plunge & turn your business idea into a plan and a real online business with Your Own Online Business eLearning Bundle.  All courses are for lifetime access & delivered by video instruction with a certificate of completion.
Get it for $1.00 (90.0% off) Easy No-Code Game Design Bundle
Easy No-Code Game Design The GDevelop engine is the simplest way into game design & building. Using an “event” system which clearly explains the logic of the game’s build, everyone & anyone really can put together exciting, innovative & even commercially viable games for Android, iOS, Steam and more without ever having to learn a programming language. Our newest bundle offer, together with the game dev gurus over at GDevelop, features a link to the free download of the latest version of the game engine itself, together with a full paid subscription for 6 months membership of the site and 10 more all new-to-Fanatical asset packs with key game development content such as Icons, Items, GUI Packs, Pixel Art Toolkits, Characters and so much more.  Containing new platforms, new settings, new enemies and traps and a series of static or animated props Tier 1 introduces the Pixel Dark Fantasy pack and a first look at the array of products here covering the dystopian game world with 5 all new enemies in the Cyberpunk Neon World Enemies pack. Tier 2 introduces the Cyberpunk Neon World GUI and Icons, a packed asset pack that provides a comprehensive collection of icons, toolbars, and buttons to create an immersive and engaging cyberpunk neon world user interface and if you’re all in with a dark Sci-Fi environment game you’ll need the character heroes and more found in Cyberpunk Neon World Heroes and NPC, together with two Sci-Fi game packs completing this level: the SciFi Space Village and the Sci-Fi Space Village Animals And Enemies . Onto Tier 3 which includes the Silver 6 month membership giving access to 50 Cloud Projects,  250MB of resources per project and multiple cloud builds as well as a host of other premium features to complement the GDevelop game engine download. It’s also where the best value is in this great new bundle with all the products included: Cyberpunk World contains vehicles, turrets, and all you need for a cyberpunk city Continuing the Sci-Fi style, there is a host of additional content with two more Pixel Dark Fantasy packs and the final SciFi Space Village Characters and Icons. Keep an eye out for new additions to this bundle in future as there's so much more to come with GDevelop & Fanatical. The perfect way to get into games design & development or to hone your interests & skills without having to study a programming language. When we say this is the Easy No-Code Game DesignBundle-we really mean it! All assets come with a full commercial usage licence allowing you to complete your projects & market them at will. (For full details please see here)
Get it for $7.99 (99.6% off) Easy Game Engine eLearning Bundle
If you’re a wannabe games developer, a bedroom games hobbyist, or perhaps you’re looking to develop the skills required for building a career in the lucrative world of game development, learning how to use the popular game engines with our all new-to-Fanatical Easy Game Engine eLearning Bundle is the way to get started. We kick off 100% up to date with Blender to Unreal Engine 5; a complete guide to learning how to use and develop for the absolutely brand new release of Unreal 5  The current widely used version is covered too with the Unreal Engine 4 course and mobile gaming development, 2D & 3D drawing, texturing & rendering are all covered with the Modern OpenGL 3D Game course. We complete this incredibly low price high value eLearning bundle with two full-size courses covering Maya & Unity 3D: Modeling Lowpoly Tree for Mobile Games and Game Development using Cocos2d-x v3 C++ Buying through Fanatical means that you'll get unlimited ongoing course access and all are delivered by individual keys. For more details, please see here  
Get it for $1.49 (96.9% off) Mastering ROS for Robotics Programming – Third Edition
Design, build, and simulate complex robots using the Robot Operating System Key Features Become proficient in ROS programming using C++ with this comprehensive guide Build complex robot applications using the ROS Noetic Ninjemys release to interface robot manipulators with mobile robots Learn to interact with aerial robots using ROS Book Description The Robot Operating System (ROS) is a software framework used for programming complex robots. ROS enables you to develop software for building complex robots without writing code from scratch, saving valuable development time. Mastering ROS for Robotics Programming provides complete coverage of the advanced concepts using easy-to-understand, practical examples and step-by-step explanations of essential concepts that you can apply to your ROS robotics projects. The book begins by helping you get to grips with the basic concepts necessary for programming robots with ROS. You'll then discover how to develop a robot simulation, as well as an actual robot, and understand how to apply high-level capabilities such as navigation and manipulation from scratch. As you advance, you'll learn how to create ROS controllers and plugins and explore ROS's industrial applications and how it interacts with aerial robots. Finally, you'll discover best practices and methods for working with ROS efficiently. By the end of this ROS book, you'll have learned how to create various applications in ROS and build your first ROS robot. What you will learn Create a robot model with a 7-DOF robotic arm and a differential wheeled mobile robot Work with Gazebo, CoppeliaSim, and Webots robotic simulators Implement autonomous navigation in differential drive robots using SLAM and AMCL packages Interact with and simulate aerial robots using ROS Explore ROS pluginlib, ROS nodelets, and Gazebo plugins Interface I O boards such as Arduino, robot sensors, and high-end actuators Simulate and perform motion planning for an ABB robot and a universal arm using ROS-Industrial Work with the motion planning features of a 7-DOF arm using MoveIt Who this book is for If you are a robotics graduate, robotics researcher, or robotics software professional looking to work with ROS, this book is for you. Programmers who want to explore the advanced features of ROS will also find this book useful. Basic knowledge of ROS, GNU Linux, and C++ programming concepts is necessary to get started with this book.
Get it for $1.00 (99.3% off) C++ 4th Edition Bundle
C++ remains one of the most widely used OOP languages, and one of  the best and most versatile languages for creating large-scale real-life applications. Now updated with 6 all-new-to-Fanatical eBooks in our new 13-title C++ Bundle 4th Edition. Tier 1 offers four books including the best software Architecture with C++; this practical guide will help you put your knowledge to work and design distributed, large-scale apps. Modern CMake for C++ is an end-to-end guide to the automatization of complex tasks, including building, testing, and packaging while the Modern C++ Programming Cookbook takes a novel approach; organised in the form of practical recipes & covers a wide range of problems faced by modern developers. Onto Tier 2 and four more books, two of which specifically look at animating for game development Hands-On C++ Game Animation Programming and the C++ Game Animation Programming Why not go all in? The best value is found in Tier 3 with all 13 books included here.  Hands-On Design Patterns with C++ is a comprehensive guide with extensive coverage of concepts such as OOP, functional programming, generic programming, concurrency, and STL.  Master essential skills to build robust Linux systems with C++ Programming for Linux Systems and understand how to develop software using TDD with Test-Driven Development with C++ All these & more high-spec, comprehensive books are included in our latest version of the C++ Bundle 4th Edition. A truly hands-on approach to get the most out of this dynamic subject. All eBooks included in this bundle are available in EPUB and PDF formats.
Get it for $9.99 (96.5% off) Godot Programming eLearning Bundle
Godot is a free-to-access versatile and user-friendly game engine interface, much loved by indie developers and hobbyists alike but it’s powerful and with enough features and tools to create really great games. Our new Godot Programming eLearning Bundle contains six all-new-to-Fanatical courses designed to get you started on the basics, through to developing projects and then some specific games at your own pace. We start with the Intro to Godot 4 Game Development; a perfect way to explore the engine itself and GDScript fundamentals that will set you on the path to development success. Learn how to add audio to your Godot games to really personalise the build with Explore Audio for Godot 4 Games and then with Godot 4 Mini-Projects, you’ll see how to alter object properties via script, build UIs, work with physics, construct loops for repeated code, add collision detection and more. With all of that under your belt, start to build real playable games with three more start-to-finish courses: Coin Collector Game – Godot Mobile Projects, the Swipe Detection Game – Godot Mobile Projects and the hugely popular genre of farming style games with Make a Farming RPG in Godot 4
Get it for $9.99 (97.5% off) Unity Programming Bundle
Updated again for 2024, the Unity Programming eLearning Bundle-(2024 UPDATE) now contains an additional 2 new products which introduce the elements of AI usage into the Unity Game Engine-an increasingly essential tool for games developers in the workplace and the home Take game design from a passion to a career by learning new skills and gaining knowledge and experience in creating a great variety of game projects ranging from 2D and 3D to working on games for multiple platforms. As well as courses covering building a Mobile Road Crossing game & crafting a 2D Idle Clicker game, you’ll be able to get to grips with Unity’s UI and learn how to create a menu and lobby system with Intro to Multiplayer Game Development. Expand your Unity & C# fundamentals by learning to apply them in a practical setting with Mini-Projects- Explore Game Development & C#. Generate randomized dungeon rooms and unique battle systems with The Complete 2D Roguelike Course, and add detail to your games by manipulating 3D audio sources and creating footstep sound effects with Game Audio Effects for Beginners. Create local multiplayer games based on retro classic titles with Unity 2D Projects - Toads and Fireflies, and learn to make mobile games profitable by adding ad displays to your Unity game projects with Mobile Game Monetization with Ads. The two new AI-related courses are: Create AI NPCs with Unity and ChatGPT which contain skills for rendering NPCs that will provide you with new, cutting-edge techniques for your game development projects and AI Prompt Engineering for Game Developers will improve and enhance the game development process while fine-tuning your prompts to get the most out of AI. Learn this invaluable programming language anywhere, anytime and at your own pace with no deadlines, no due dates and the knowledge that you are part of a wide Zenva Academy community.
Get it for $9.99 (97.2% off) Java Programming Bundle
Java is a powerful multi-purpose programming language widely used to develop Mobile and Desktop applications as well as being a key player in Big Data processing, embedded systems, browser development, and scripting.  Like a good strong coffee on the High street, it’s virtually everywhere you look nowadays and is believed to be currently running on over 3bn devices worldwide, making Java one of the world's most popular and prolific programming languages.  We’ve gathered together a selection of 11 eBooks including 9 new to bundle must-have titles. Learn Java 12 Programming is the perfect beginning but is also a comprehensive guide to getting started with Java and gaining insights into major concepts such as object-oriented programming, data structures & algorithms, onto even more advanced topics such as Java Libraries & GUIs. Android is one of the most popular mobile operating systems today & it uses Java, as one of the primary languages for building apps of all types; Learning Java by Building Android Games will show you how. Further insight & guidance is found in Android Studio 4.0 Development Essentials-Java Edition. Job prospects, as you might expect are hot if you have Java training, it’s one of the most sought-after programming languages in the job market, but cracking the coding interview in this challenging economy might not be easy. The Complete Coding Interview Guide in Java will help you to tackle various challenges faced in a coding job interview and avoid common interview mistakes, and will ultimately guide you toward landing your dream job as a Java developer. There’s much more in this dynamic and diverse bundle including additional books covering RxJava, JHipster & Jakarta and all eBooks included are available in EPUB and PDF formats.  
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